kill two birds with one stone

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kill two birds with one stone

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:48:21

kill two birds with one stone基本解释

一箭双雕; 一举两得


Kill two birds with one stone: Learn about your destination and battle loneliness at the same time.(一箭双雕:了解你的目的地,同时与孤独做斗争。)
In this way one can kill two birds with one stone: get inspired and learn good English at the same time.(这样的话可以一举两得:不但自我激励,同时还能学到地道的英语。)
Let's go. We can kill two birds with one stone.(走吧,我们可以一举两得。)
If I go to New York on Friday, I can kill two birds with one stone. I can go to the doctor and visit my mother the same day.(如果我在星期五去纽约,就能一举两得,既能去看医生,又能在同一天去看我的母亲。)
To kill two birds with one stone.(一石二鸟,一箭双雕,一举两得。)
So, that will kill two birds with one stone.(所以这办法一石二鸟。)
Now you can kill two birds with one stone.(你现在可以一石二鸟了!)
Russell: Well, if we wait 3 hours we can kill two birds with one stone and pick up my mother from the airport.(拉塞尔:好,如果我们多等三个小时,可以顺道去机场接我的妈妈,一石二鸟。)
I had to go to Coventry on business so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and visit my sister who lives nearby.(我得去考文垂出差,我想借此拜访一下住在附近的姐姐,这样就可一举两得。)
You'll save both time and material, and kill two birds with one stone.(您将把时间和材料都节省下来了,这不是一举两得吗?。)
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